
Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

波士顿水手舒适港的记录存储在场外,必须至少提前两个工作日通过 Portal1791. 研究人员需要从校外储存超过6件物品时,应提前提供额外通知. 如果您对从场外仓库申请材料有疑问, 请致电咨询台617-646-0532或

Collection Summary


This collection consists of records of the Sailors' 波士顿港,包括时间档案,主题档案,和装订 受托人的记录和费用卷,1852-1975. The collection also 包括通信,主管的报告,和主题文件的 National Sailors' Home in Duxbury, Mass., 1891- 1958, which merged with the Sailors' Snug Harbor in 1949.

Biographical Sketch

1852年,约西亚建立了波士顿水手舒适港 培根,罗伯特·班纳特·福布斯等人,目的是“缓解和 支持年老、体弱多病的水手”,为他们提供 permanent home and provision for old age. R.B. Forbes was the first president. 1856年,在马萨诸塞州昆西的日耳曼敦建造了一座住宅. By 1947, enrollment 水手舒适港的收入下降到了受托人投票决定的程度 把日耳曼敦的房产卖给昆西市. The sale was finalized 1949年,与国家海员之家签订了一项协议 Powder Point, Duxbury, Mass., to admit and care for men from Sailors' Snug Harbor in the same manner as their own men. The two organizations still existed 但是两个组织的居民住在一起 国家水手之家在达克斯伯里的火药点设施. The Sailors' Snug Harbor于10月1日从国家水手之家(National Sailors’Home)手中买下了这处房产. 1957, 国家水手之家的成员则被分配到其他地方. In 1971, 水手舒适港剩下的九名居民被找到了其他住处 房产被转交给了Powder Point房地产信托的受托人 July 1974. 水手舒适港(总部设在波士顿)继续 目前是一个提供非住宅服务的资助基金会 大波士顿地区的一般老年人口以及与 "sea."



Sailors' Snug Harbor of Boston 150th Anniversary Report (Sailors' Snug Harbor, 2002).

Collection Description

水手舒适港记录由两个纸盒组成,包括 years 1852-1975. 这批藏品包括两家公司的记录 港口和国家水手之家,最初位于沃拉斯顿, Mass., and moved to Powder Point, Duxbury, Mass., in 1931. There are two series 收藏:水手的舒适港记录(系列一)和国家 Sailors' Home records (Series II). Each series is subdivided into chronological records (A) and subject files (B). Series I also includes bound volumes (C). 水手的Snug Harbor记录可以追溯到1852年至1975年,其中包括受托人的 会议纪要,报告,一些通信和主题文件的主题,如 招生,墓地和葬礼,遗产,房地产,抵押贷款,还有 history. 还有三卷费用帐户卷(1942-1967)和一卷 volume of trustees' records (1878-1957). The National Sailors' Home records 日期从1891年到1958年(大部分日期是1924年到1944年),包括一些 通信,督学报告,和主题文件的主题,如 招生,墓地和葬礼,历史,火药点设施 奉献(1931),宣传,房地产,退伍军人.

Acquisition Information

这些藏品由波士顿水手舒适港公司保管., on 5 February 2004.

Restrictions on Access

波士顿水手舒适港的记录存储在场外,必须至少提前两个工作日通过 Portal1791. 研究人员需要从校外储存超过6件物品时,应提前提供额外通知. 如果您对从场外仓库申请材料有疑问, 请致电咨询台617-646-0532或

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Sailors' Snug Harbor records, 1852-1975

A. Chronological records, 1852-1973

多年来,与水手舒适港有关的物品散落在各处 1852年至1973年,包括通信和其他记录,主要是日期 1951-1973, with trustees' minutes dated Dec. 1957-1971. The trustees' minutes were originally stored in a loose-leaf binder. The 1852 item is a photocopy of the Act of Incorporation for Sailors' Snug Harbor.

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B. Subject files, 1852-1975

主题文件按字母顺序排列,并包含为 following topics: admissions; anti-aircraft installations; cemeteries and burials; history; legacies; mortgages, notes, deeds, etc.; postcards; publicity; real estate, grants, etc.; and reconstruction, 1957-1958.

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Anti-aircraft installations
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Cemeteries and burials
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Mortgages, notes, deeds, etc.
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Real estate, grants, etc.
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Reconstruction, 1957-1958

C. Bound volumes, 1878-1967

og体育官网中有四卷记录,都是由 Sailors' Snug Harbor. They are trustees' records (1878-1957); and three expense account books (1942-48, 1955-63, and 1963-67).

Carton 2SH 17BN 1
Trustees records, 1878-1957
Carton 2SH 17BN 1
Expense accounts, 1942-1948
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Expense accounts, 1955-1963
Carton 2SH 17BN 1
Expense accounts, 1963-1967

II. National Sailors' Home records, 1891-1958

A. Chronological records, 1900-1957

时间顺序记录包括1900年的一项(投票的副本) 在受托人会议上通过),但大部分材料的日期是从 1924 to 1944. 这些项目主要由John W. Flannery, superintendent of the Home. They include scattered correspondence, administrative reports, and budget reports.

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B. Subject files, 1891-1958

主题文件按字母顺序排列,包括以下内容 topics: admissions; cannon from the U.S.S. Constitution; cemeteries and burials; dossiers of members (five samples); history; Mass. General Hospital; postcards; Power Point dedication (1931); publicity; ration data; real estate; Travelers' Aid societies; U.S. Naval Home, Philadelphia; U.S. Navy vessels (history); and veterans. The 最早的物品(1891年)是一份og体育平台“家园”的剪报.

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Cannon from the U.S.S. Constitution
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Cemeteries and burials4 folders
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Dossiers: Allison, John
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Dossiers: Cooney, Patrick J.
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Dossiers: Flaherty, W. J.
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Dossiers: Lymon, Merton
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Dossiers: Motley, Leo V.
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Mass. General Hospital
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Powder Point dedication, 19312 folders
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Ration data2 folders
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Real estate, grants, etc. 2 folders
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Travelers' Aid societies
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U.S. Naval Home, Philadelphia
Carton 1SH 17BM 0
U.S. Navy vessels, history
Carton 1SH 17BM 0

Preferred Citation

波士顿水手舒适港记录,马萨诸塞州历史 Society.

Access Terms

这个og体育官网在下列标题下进行索引 ABIGAIL, 马萨诸塞州历史学会的在线目录. Researchers 希望获得有关个人、组织或主题的资料 search the catalog using these headings.


Bacon, Josiah, 1785-1852.
Forbes, R. B. (Robert Bennet), 1804-1889.


National Sailors' Home (Quincy, Mass.).


Old age homes--Massachusetts--Boston.
Old age homes--Massachusetts--Duxbury.
Old age homes--Massachusetts--Quincy.
Sailors--Societies, etc.