A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1865

Wednesday 15th

15 February 1865

Friday 17th

17 February 1865
16 February 1865
Thursday 16th



The cold seemed to be passing off, and at night there was a warm rain which melted all the snow. The letters by the Canada did not get here until late. Meanwhile we have another arrival three days later announcing the failure of the conference. This does not surprise me. The wave will draw back in order to return with renewed volume. I spent much of my morning in preparing a despatch respecting the interview with Lord Russell of Tuesday. Received a letter from Charles saying that he had just received an offer to be placed as Chief of General Humphrey’s staff. He is in command of the second corps. And he is inclined to take it, through his health is evidently by no means re-established. No letter from John who is still in New York. Rather a wet walk. Dined with Sir Henry Holland. The Bishop of London and Mr Tait. Mr Hibbert again. Dean Milman, Mr and Mrs Charles Buxton and a person whom I conjectured to be Captain Egerton, and his Wife. Two more whom I do not recall. As usual I sat next to the person whom I did not know. It was however tolerably pleasant There was the usual assemblage afterwards and probably music for which I did not stay. Mr Charles Buxton asked to be presented to me. He is a son in law of Sir Henry’s, about whose invitation to me he made such a faux pas on my first arrival here. After a lapse of nearly four years in the course of which he has never apologized for his rudeness, he condescends to make this advance, I treated him civilly but without any cordiality. As a representative of my country I am tenacious in matters of courtesy. For myself I never cared much about them.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://e2f1.hzjly.net/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA65d047