A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.





今天早上我打开报纸,发现他来晚了, 和平会议的消息传来了, 包括Mr 苏厄德给我的快信. In Richmond the report of the committee was received with affected indignation by Mr 戴维斯. I say affected, because he could not but have known beforehand what the result would be. There was a public meeting and a spasmodic excitement designed to stimulate once more the fainting spirit of the south. 要做到这一点,需要的不仅仅是大话. 军事上的成功或许能暂时做到这一点. At noon I went to see Lord Russell by appointment at his own house in Chesham place. Found him upstairs in the highest story in a small dressing room fitted up as a writing room for the emergency. 我由此推断他一定病得很严重. 我解释了我的目标. 一个是传递Mr Sewards despatch on the peace, but I had been anticipated by teh publication in the morning papers. He said he had not seen it, and took up the Times, in which I pointed it out to him. My main motive was to direct his attention to the passage explaining the nature of the only rebel proposition. It was to substitute a foreign question on which an agreement might be reached for the domestic one. 这说明了这些人有趣的性格, 谁一方面支持对外战争, and on the other were proposing to foreign nations to resist our aggression as a consideration for aid to be furnished to them. 从这里我转到Mr 里面有两份截获的Mr 斯莱德尔在巴黎. It appeared from these that some proposal had been made by him though M Drouyn de l’Huys to Lord Cavley, for a modification of their policy of closing the British ports to captures in order to save neutral property. 《og体育官网》对它的性质和受到的接待没有明确的概念. I opened the matter without asking any direct question in order that his Lordship might explain or not as he pleased. 他立刻走在了前面. 该建议已收到并加以审议. IT implied a recognition of the right of any naval officer to adjudicate on his quarter deck what was or was not neutral property which was so at variance with the established law of nations, 他从一开始就认为这是完全不能接受的. But to make the matter sure the usual reference had been made to the Law officers of the Crown. 他们的报告对这个计划作了全面的分析,并予以宣布216 完全站不住脚的. 因此,已经通过考利勋爵送去了一封回信. 法国政府对此做了什么,他不知道. 但他认为,对这件事不可能有别的看法. 我说我不怀疑结果一定是这样的. 然后我读给他听Mr Seward’s Despatch suggesting as a proper remedy for all the rebel attempts to carry on a measure had been under consideration, but that the Lord Chancellor had been of opinion that the difficulties in the way were insurmountable. 我的目标已经完成了, 我正要走, 这时老爷说,他原以为会有不同的消息. He thought I might have been charged with the duty of giving notice of the termination of the reciprocity Treaty. I replied that I had indeed received the papers and the instructions to give the notice. But I was not to do so until after the day of the expiration of the ten years agreed upon, 谁要到17号才来th 下个月. His Lordship said that the subject had been under consideration of the Cabinet yesterday. 他不能在场,但是他们的结论已经寄给了他. Both as to the arrangement of 1817 for disarmament on the lakes and as to the reciprocity Treaty of 1852, it was thought advisable to turn the interval of notice to some account by considering what might be settled in their place. His Lordship was not disposed to question the expediency of the course proposed as to armament. 在某种程度上,边界上发生的事件证明了这一点. But any increase of armament on our side necessary would involve some corresponding defensive preparation on theirs. 因此,它的范围不应该是无限期的,这是可取的. 互惠条约也是如此. 它的许多部分似乎对两个国家都很有用, 完全失去他们也不是不明智的. 对于如已执行的不满, 也许可以作出这样的修改,以消除反对意见. To this end, he desired me to communicate these views of the Cabinet to my government. 我说我很乐意这样做. These steps had been take in America mainly to quiet the extensive alarms spread among the border population by the aggressive enterprises of the rebels. 现在,加拿大政府正全力以赴,取得了成功, 罪犯们即将被交出, 我娱乐217 坚信所有这些残暴的行动将会结束. 如果事实证明是这样的话,恐慌会消退吗. It might then be found that there was no need of any change in the old arrangement of 1817. 半个世纪以来,它被证明是非常有益的, 我看不出有什么理由以后不应该在同样的时期内继续下去. With regard to the reciprocity Treaty I believed it had been a very favorable arrangement in many respects. To us in the eastern section of the Union, it had created a trade with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. 反对的声音来自西方. 但我最近看到了底特律商会的一份报告, 其中有力地阐述了它对该地区的好处. I believed that the feeling which prompted the adoption of the notice was temporary and had little connection with the merits of the Treaty. So soon as Congress had adjourned I had no doubt that the government would be disposed to consider all these questions in the most favorable manner. In spite of all the alarm indicated in the speeches of Lord Derby and his friends in the House of Peers the other night I would affirm that it had no design to pounce upon Canada for any reason. 老爷哈哈大笑, and said it was amusing to see how people in a legislative body would gradually lash themselves up into a passion about nothing at all. 我表示同意. 我们的国会就是这样. I then took my leave, I certainly perceive a growing improvement in my relations with Lord Russell. Never at any time unfriendly there has nevertheless been more or less of a shade of serve and stiffness which denoted the presence of caution and distrust. 这可能 have been partly owing to a sense of divided counsels in the Cabinet and the consequent duty of reserve. 尽管如此,还是有变化. He talks much more frankly, and in that style of quiet confidence which marks good will. 这可能 be 部分原因是人们对国内政府的政策越来越信任, 部分原因是我来这里后的行为. In that event it might be a question of conscience to me whether I should hazard the loss of the latter advantage to my country by withdrawing my service. I certainly shall do no such thing if the President appreciates it enough to desire me to remain. 如果他不这样做,责任一定是他的,不是我的. 我邀请了一小群绅士去见巴洛将军. 它由我的秘书亨利·霍兰爵士、W. 戈尔·奥斯利,M. 巴雷达,爱默生·腾纳特爵士r 肖·勒费夫和道格拉斯·高尔顿上尉. 他们一直呆到这么晚一个小时218 我不能像我答应过的那样去参加罗素夫人的晚会. 不过,我还是走到离伯德特·考特小姐家较近的地方, 在一半的人离开之前. 在那里认识的人不多. Mrs 福特、米rs 泰特,米r 亚瑟·金纳德和其他一些人. 午夜前回家.


老查尔斯·弗朗西斯·亚当斯., [入职日期]查尔斯·弗朗西斯·亚当斯的日记.:内战日记(未经证实的抄本). 波士顿:马萨诸塞州历史学会,2015. http://e2f1.hzjly.net/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id = DCA65d054