4 March 1825
adams-john10 Neal MillikanHealth and Illness

4. V. Mrs Adams was very ill, the whole Night, and before day this morning, had a long and alarming fainting fit, succeeded by violent fever— I sent and had Dr Huntt called up to attend her— After two successive sleepless Nights, I entered upon this day with a supplication to Heaven, first for my Country; secondly for myself, and for those connected with my good name and fortunes, that the last results of its events may be auspicious and blessed— About half past eleven O’Clock, I left my house, with an escort of several companies of militia, and a cavalcade of Citizens; accompanied in my Carriage by Samuel L. Southard Secretary of the Navy, and William Wirt, Attorney General, and followed by James Monroe, late President of the United States, in his own Carriage. We104We proceeded to the Capitol, and to the Senate Chamber. The Senate were in Session, and John C. Calhoun presiding in the Chair; having been previously sworn in to the Office, as Vice-President of the United States and President of the Senate— The Senate adjourned, and from the Senate chamber, accompanied by the members of that body; and by the Judges of the Supreme Court, I repaired to the Hall of the House of Representatives, and after delivering from the Speakers Chair my inaugural Address to a crowded auditory, and I pronounced from a Volume of the Laws, held up to me by John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States, the Oath faithfully to execute the Office of President of the United States, and to the best of my ability, to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States— After exchanging salutations with the late President, and many other persons present, I retired from the Hall; passed in review the military companies drawn up in front of the Capitol, and returned to my house with the same procession which accompanied me from it— I found at my house a crowd of visitors which continued about two hours, and received their felicitations— Before the throng had subsided I went myself to the President’s House, and joined with the multitude of visitors to Mr Monroe there— I then returned home to dine; and in the Evening attended the Ball which was also crowded, at Carusi’s Hall— Immediately after supper, about Midnight I withdrew and came home. Mrs. De Wint and Johnson Hellen had already came home, both unwell— Mrs Adams, extremely ill as she was had received the company in the Drawing-room before dinner, but was not able to attend the Ball— The weather was cloudy all the morning, and the Evening rainy— I closed the day as it had begun with thanksgiving to God for all his mercies and favours past, and with prayers for the continuance of them to my Country and to myself and mine.