A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1865

Monday 30th

30 January 1865

Wednesday. February 1st

1 February 1865
31 January 1865
Tuesday 31st



Milder but still the same thick atmosphere. The mail arrived from America and the newspapers naturally absorbed our attention for some time. They do not however reach so far as to give the details of the most brilliant stroke of the war. We get what we have by telegraph through Halifax. Went to the City to make the necessary arrangements with Messr Baring for the supply of Mrs Adams’s wants during her journey. She is so much better today that it is safe to stick to the departure for tomorrow. Mr Thomas Baring drew me into his inner room to ask me if I would adhere to my agreement made with Mr Bates, so far as to enable them to make a provision to protect American interests under their care, in case of difficultly likely to spring up between the two countries. I presume he alluded to the case of the Trent, in which though I made no agreement, I recollect that I gave Mr Bates reason to suppose I should warn them in season to protect accounts and shipping. I was a little surprised at this intimation, but I said that so far as the relations between the two countries were concerned I saw no reason for any apprehension. Mr Baring said there was now a prospect that the war would soon terminate. The impression was growing here that the reunion would be a signal for an advance upon Canada and a rupture. It was urged by some people that the wisest way would be to anticipate this danger by sustaining the insurgents. Hence he was not without his fears that a difficulty would spring up.190 I said that the time was undoubtedly a very bitter feeling in America. It had been aggravated by the conduct of the people in Canada, but most of all by the steady and persistent malevolence of the Times. This was now showing itself in Congress by the motions and the votes to rescind all the Treaty obligations traveling Canada. Yet I thought that there was no illtemper between the governments. My relations have now had been positively unpleasant, and at this time they were unusually friendly— Mr Baring assented but intimated that I was about to leave. I said I wished to go , but that I would stay if I though a change would make any difference. Mr Baring alluded to Lord Russell’s letter which had given offence. I said Yes. Lord Russell was not happy in his style, and I had heard that Mr Sumner had taken great exception to the letter. But in substance, I had always believed him friendly. Barring accidents over which we could have no control, I thought we should steer clear of difficulty yet. Returning home I found Mary and Brooks come in from Walton. The former looks quite well Walk round the Regent’s Park Caescerten and then to the marble arch in the rain. Mr N Appleton of Boston dined with us. Read an article in the Edinburgh review on finance. Very dull. The Despatches came in late— Not a word yet from Mr Seward. This is keeping a promise.

Cite web page as:

Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://e2f1.hzjly.net/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA65d031