A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1865

Tuesday 31st

31 January 1865

Thursday 2d.

2 February 1865
1 February 1865
Wednesday. February 1st



The day opened thick but mild and calm. 因此,我们认为最好的办法是尝试离开, at least so far as to reach Folkestone. 11点刚过,一切细节都安排好了,我们准备好了去查令十字火车站的门. For I determined to accompany them at least to the water side, to judge for myself as to the expediency of taking the next step. 我们在十二点差一刻出发,走了还不到十英里,就从伦敦遮住太阳的雾霾中出来了, and found a soft spring day, with light vapor clouds. Occasionally there seemed a prospect of showers, but as we neared Folkestone, it cleared away, and showed us the channel free from agitation, 从西边吹来一阵微风,水面微微起了涟漪. Under these circumstances I advised crossing at once to Boulogne. So Mrs 亚当斯、玛丽和两个男孩带着两个仆人上了轮船191 and a few moments were far out in the distance. I went out to the head of the pier, and watched the gentle undulation, auguring from it a favorable passage. The air soft and genial as spring, 用一点雾来软化所有物体的轮廓,除了陆地和水. 当轮船越来越小的时候,我想到只有我一个人了, and now obliged to deiced what to do next. 我看了一下时刻表,决定乘三点钟的班机去多佛, and then crossing to the Railway by Chatham, took the train to Canterbury, where I stopped at a little after four o’clock. I lost no time to visit the Cathedral. 然而,黑暗的迅速逼近使我无法对大厦的建筑细节给予应有的关注. 虽然可能不像其他地方那么臭, there are parts which are very imposing, 而对于参观者来说,从与它们有关的历史og体育官网来看,这一点更是如此. The greatest of all is what is called Becket’s corona. 正是亨利鲁莽的激情造就了这座大厦的未来,在这里他犯下了谋杀的罪行. 在许多代人之后,基督教社区的宗教核心继续响应以被屠杀的烈士的名义发出的呼吁. 这里就是朝拜者们远道而来,用最昂贵的礼物来掩盖的光芒. The counter clap of the Reformation came to knock it all away, 所以现在什么都没有留下,只留下了一块石头,用来标记发生这种行为的地点, and the corona built up in his honor. 这是爱德华的铜像,黑王子的铜像,非常精美. 身材矮小,身材年轻,中等身材以下. Henry the fourth and his second Wife are also here. 有一间宽敞的教堂,几座回廊环绕着广场. How imposing all this must have been five centuries ago. 从波尔枢机主教到大主教都有很多变动, 最后一位天主教徒,他的石棺与其他的相比,充分显示了这种变化, that the public mind had undergone. Nobody resisted the 8th Henry’s ruthless desecration of Becket’s holy shrine.192 In this day the great Cathedral prides itself sadly out of place. 大主教住在伦敦,很少对伦敦进行正式访问. 这个小镇安静而不吝啬,与庄严宽敞的中心建筑形成了奇怪的对比. 它的外部尺寸并没有完全考虑到它被周围的普通建筑包围的事实. I liked the square central tower as well as the two in the front. 但它的总体效果比不上约克或林肯,甚至比不上达勒姆. 这样完成了我的目的,我回到喷泉旅馆吃饭. 这是一家安静的乡村小旅馆,但是干净、好,一点也不装腔作势. 晚上的事情已经安排好了,我问服务员这里是否有什么娱乐活动. 他回答说,在离那儿几扇门的地方要举行一场音乐会. 它会非常满,只有通过会员才能进入. But if I wished to go, Mr Fine, the landlord, who was a member would pass me. 我去付了一先令的入场费,没有点名Mr Fine. 我所看到的景象在这个国家是新奇的. It was a good sized hall, 走廊的一端是供表演者表演的舞台,另一端是画廊. 妇人在两处聚集,二人就各自坐下. 在墙的一侧有一个小盒子,里面坐着主席和其他官员. 沿着大厅的主体摆着几排桌子,桌子两边都有椅子. Here were the men of Canterbury, 我认为他们是小城镇中产阶级的典型代表. Every man had either a pipe or a cigar smoking all the evening, and before him was a glass of spirits and hot water, which was supplied from waiters carried around by servants. 每倒完一杯,就换一杯,每杯六便士,当场支付. 这两种奢侈我都不能享受,所以我的处境很奇怪,但没有引起注意. The music was composed of two catches for four voices, two solos, 两到三首协调一致的乐器乐曲和三首Mr McKnew, a meager minstrel fantastically dressed. 在他们中间,后者无疑包揽了所有的荣誉. He was applauded noisily and each time called back to sing again. But he never repeated. The buffoonery was poor, occasionally bordering the coarse.193 对致谢词的滑稽模仿完全是无稽之谈——然而,一切都被认为是滑稽可笑的, laughed at and boisterously approved. 然而,在这一股热饮中,他们的举止并没有紊乱或不规矩. 总的方面是严肃的——谈话是从一个邻居到另一个邻居. No voices raised high. No appearance of undue excitement. 在外圈的表面上可以看到白兰地、朗姆酒或杜松子酒, but it rather dulled than stimulated the eye. These people were evidently happy after their fashion. But that fashion before it was now became so intolerable to me, 我不得不离开这令人窒息的气氛,代价是错过了后面的娱乐活动. 我想这大概是这类英国人在冬季的最高乐趣了. 我知道他们酗酒,但我不知道吸烟在他们中如此普遍. Went back to my Hotel, and soon to bed. But I slept very partially, 不时听到风的呼啸声和雨点打在窗户上的声音, 我庆幸自己催促旅客们等到明天再走.

Cite web page as:

Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://e2f1.hzjly.net/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA65d032